Thursday, September 1, 2011

Journal #3 - Hostage

I think being held hostage would be the greatest thing in the world! A little vacation from irritating parents and non stop homework. I could be alienated from this crazy outside world, and enjoy a little time to myself! Okay, lets cut the bull. Obviously being held hostage would be a nightmare. A little silence is nice, but I don't know how long I could survive without my "Friends" reruns and not knowing what the Kardashians are doing every minute of every day. I would miss seeing my family, not to mention my warm house and cozy bed. Insignificant daily activities, like sitting at the kitchen table with my family, shopping with my mom, and fishing with my dad would become hazy memories. It would be very upsetting for me not to be able to live life with these and many other activities. Dreams and future plans of college would no longer be in the back of my mind because I would never know when I would be free. My priorities would be drastically changed. Instead of thinking about what I am going to wear to homecoming, I would want to know when I would have my next meal.

I recently watched the interview between Diane Sawyer and Jaycee Duggard, a young girl who was held captive from the age of 11 to 30. Although not always the case, some hostages endure torture and sexual assault. This was sadly the case for Jaycee, and she went into detail of the horrible things that happened to her during the sad time in her life. I was effected strongly by her story. I know now to be more safe and not trust every one. The most important thing that I took away from her story was to be thankful for family and to live in the moment.

I am way to weak to be held captive. I would cry 24/7 and complain about everything. I think the person holding me captive would probably regret it fairly quickly because I would be very annoying.

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