Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Journal #16 - Partner Communication

Having to work with group members that are in a different city is going to be difficult. We are going to have to communicate in several ways, and it's not going to be easy. Because we are not working in the same class, let alone building, communication is going to take much longer. It will also be confusing working like this because each roup member is going to have a preferred way of communicating. If they are all different, getting ahold of each other is going to be overwhelming.

Social networking sites is going to be a major form of communication between the group members. Adding each other on Facebook and Twitter will be necessary. We can quickly chat back and forth or message online. Most high school kids have facebook, so sending a message to every group member would be proactive. I also took it upon myself to create a today's meet page.This would be a very simple place to communicate, but if the others don't understand it, I could see where it would be difficult. Plus, getting every group member on the website at the same time would be difficult because we all have english class at different times. Above all else, texting is a major option. Smart phones are so common these days, so texting and email would be so easy to navigate.

I have already seen similarities between the group members and relationships between coworkers. I always hear adults saying, "This one lady in my office, ugh. She never knows what she's doing and is able to get everyone else backed up on their own work." That pretty much sums up what I'm going through. Many of my group members don't know their role in our project, let alone what the project is even about.I can already tell that I'm going to be doing a lot more than I should with this project in order to meet the deadline. Oh, how I love group projects.

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