Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Journal #14 - Apprentice

As Benjamin Franklin's apprentice, I do anything that the talented man asks of me. Sometimes his requests are odd, like the time he sent me out to attach a key to a kite, but I follow through with every task no matter how strange they may be. I know that no matter how crazy the things he asks of me, the man has a plan. I have been able to watch Benjamin Franklin, the visionary, at work, and it has been very influential. Seeing his mind travel from one idea to another is an inspiration, and I realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing employer. One recent assignment that Mr. Franklin gave me was to proof read and edit a speech that he wrote. He will be reading it at The Constitution Convention in Virginia next week. I was honored, as his first hand man, to be the one that he came to to criticize his work. Speeches are not the only thinks Mr. Franklin comes to me about. Whenever he is having a bad day dealing with personal problems, he will come to me to brighten his day. I usually tell him a clever aphorism to make him feel better. He seems to really enjoy them. My favorite part of working for Mr. Franklin is the chats we have during our spare time. He is the kindest man. In fact, he hates that I Call him Mr. and prefers that I refer to him just simply as Benny. Mr. Franklin is also a very brilliant man. Many folks have questioned his intentions and his measures, but I truly believe he will change the world someday. His mind comes up with the craziest ideas, but his ability to explain them and act upon them is completely genius. It makes me sad that not everyone will have a chance to know Benjamin Franklin in the way that I do, but that is just one more reason for me to be thankful. I would not be the person I am today had it not been for Mr. Franklin. Thanks to him and his one-of-a-kind mind, I can experiment with pride knowing that it takes one success out of all of those fails to make a change.

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