Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Journal #10- Vocab

No! We should absolutely not have to do Vocabulary Unit Three Day One today! Please, please just one day off Mr. Langley! I have come up with a (pretty bias) list of why we shouldn't do them.
Reason One: I don't know about all the other students in this English 332 class, but I am pretty behind on my work. I have several journals and reflections that still need to be done. A catch up day would be a lot more beneficial than moving onto another vocabulary section.
Reason Two: Let's be honest, we never get through the day's work anyways. On Mr. Langley's site he has a list for what we need to get through each class day. Usually, we only get through about half of the work, and then the rest is assigned for homework. By skipping vocab today, we will have a better chance of getting through all of the day's work. That way I won't be stacked with even more homework. Heck, I probably won't even get this journal done before class is over today, let alone vocab definitions.
Reason Three: Vocab, really? It's such a fifth grade thing. We have only done two units of vocab in this class so far, and I honestly couldn't tell you the definition of any of the words we have done. Heck, I probably couldn't even name a word we have done. Vocab is one of those things that I do what I have to, but I don't really take in the information.  I find the definition online, create a derivative, and put the word in a sentence for two weeks, but ask me a definition a day after that test and I would be clueless on what you're talking about. Maybe there are people who enjoy vocab and adding new words to their daily jargon, but let's be real, I'm not about to have a conversation with one of my friends that involves the terms seminal or unobtrusive. So, not only should we not have vocab today, but lets not have vocab for the rest of the year. Sounds like a great plan to me!

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